
Who do the crowds say that I am?

What blinds us to really seeing Jesus? At times, it might be overpromising, prepackaged spirituality exercises, like overhyped Lenten programs, that end up hooking us on slightly deviant images of God. The traditional practices of the Church, such as the instruction to fast, pray, and give alms in Lent, are comparatively underhyped. Might these, however, actually be remedies for our hidden idolatries and unperceived blindness?

What I'm Working On at the Turn of the Year

These are eight major projects I am working on as 2021 gives way to 2022.

"Thy Kingdom Come"

Preparing to participate in the reign of God means laying aside our own schemes for building our little kingdoms and organizing our worlds the way we would like them to be. To herald the coming of God’s kingdom means confessing the provisional nature of our plans and welcoming the death of our private authority, our myth of “self-rule.” In Christ, disciples share in God’s reign, not vice versa.

"Hallowed Be Thy Name"

To remember and revere the name of God requires us to cherish and be grateful for God’s saving action. God makes himself known to us through what he does for us. The presence and action of God is complete in Jesus Christ.

Beginning Again with the Lord’s Prayer

I want to help us begin again with the Lord’s prayer – taking on a different approach and a new perspective. I want to see if you and I can learn how to humble ourselves in praying this prayer so that we may be formed by it. This is the prayer to “Our Father,” which means that by praying it we are, above all, allowing ourselves to be his children. That is the gift Jesus gives us: he gives us his Father as our Father.

Take a Scriptural Pilgrimage this Lent

Take a Scriptural Pilgrimage this Lent

A six-week itinerary of reading, prayer, and faith-filled discussion crafted especially for parish groups, schools groups, friend groups, and families. Start preparing for Lent right now.

What I'm Working On to Close Out 2020

What I'm Working On to Close Out 2020

The seven projects I am working on to close out 2020, including a parish renewal series and a planetarium presentation, an online course and two printed books, a radio show and a guide to praying with the saints.

Interviews with Students about Faith in College

Interviews with Students about Faith in College

As part of an article written for Our Sunday Visitor (to post soon), I interviewed current college students and recent college grads, as well as college-bound high school grads about faith in college. Some of their thoughts and reflections are included with the article, but there were too many to get everything in. Here are the full responses from each of the teens and young adults…