Letters to Parents

Fostering Vocational Discernment, Part 3 (Letters to Parents Series VIII)

Vocational discernment always begins with listening to the Word of God and is complete only when we act upon what we hear. In the language of the Gospel, this is expressed pithily as hearing the Word of God and acting on it (cf. Lk 8:11). In the previous letter, we talked about the importance of helping our children to become capable of hearing the Word of God. Now in this letter, we give our attention to acting on God’s Word. The focal point for our contemplation remains the first and perfect disciple: Mary, Mother of God.

Culture of the Home, Part 3: Customs (Letters to Parents Series IV)

It is customary to assume that children rebel against their parents. What is often discounted, though, is just how strong the influence of parents is. If children do rebel, it is rebellion against the standard the parents have established. Rebellion itself shows the outsized influence of parents.

It turns out, however, that the myth of rebellion is overblown.

The Hardest Thing about Parenting (Letters to Parents I)

The hardest thing about parenting is that who you are matters most.

That’s the hardest part. It is an unavoidable and, ultimately, undeniable fact. Nothing reveals your character like being called to help bring another human being into life and guide that person into maturity. Who you are is front and center in that mission.